vendredi 31 juillet 2015


14:15 Posted by Unknown No comments
"By heaven furnished with paths;" (Surat adh-Dhariyat, 7)
The Arabic word "alhubuki," translated as "furnished with paths" in verse 7 of Surat adh-Dhariyat, comes from the verb "hubeke," meaning "to weave closely, to knit, to bind together." The use of this word in the verse is particularly wise and represents the current state of scientific knowledge in two aspects.

The first is this: The orbits and paths in the universe are so dense and intertwined that they constitute intersecting paths, just like the threads in a piece of fabric. The Solar System we live in is made up of the Sun, the planets and their satellites and heavenly objects in constant motion such as meteors and comets. The Solar System moves through the galaxy known as the Milky Way, which contains 400 billion stars.1 It is estimated that there are billions of galaxies. Celestial bodies and systems revolving at speeds of thousands of kilometers an hour move through space without colliding with one another.

The science of astronomy was developed with the aim of mapping the positions and courses of stars, while astro-mechanics was developed in order to determine these complex motions. Astronomers used to assume that orbits were perfectly spherical. The fact is, however, that heavenly bodies are known to follow mathematical shapes, such as spherical, elliptical, parabolic or hyperbolic orbits. Dr. Carlo Rovelli of the University of Pittsburgh says, "Our space in which we live is just this enormously complicated spin network."2

Above left; the orbits of some of the bodies in the Solar System. Based on this picture and looking clockwise, it can be seen that the Solar System itself is part of even greater orbital movements.3

The picture above shows some of the complex movements of stars.

This picture shows the approximately annual movements of just
seven stars in the Milky Way.
The second aspect is that the description in the Qur'an of the sky using a word meaning "woven" may be a reference to the String Theory of physics. (Allah knows the truth.) According to this theory, the basic elements that comprise the universe are not point-like particles, but strings resembling miniature violin strings. These tiny, identical and one dimensional strings oscillating in the form of filaments are regarded as being like loops in appearance. It is assumed that the origin of all the diversity in the universe lies in the way these strings vibrate at different vibrations, in the same way that violin strings produce different sounds with different vibrations.4
Although it is not possible to see the size of the threads in the String Theory, the only theory to bring theories such as Einstein's theory of general relativity and quantum mechanics together in a coherent way, it can still be calculated mathematically. These strings, which scientists regard as the material from which space and time are woven, are just 1.6x10-35 m (0.000000000000000000000000000000000016 meters) in size.5 This, known as Plank's length, is the smallest known, being just 10-20 of the protons that make up the nucleus of that atom.6 If an atom were to be magnified to the size of the Solar System, each one of these strings would be no bigger than a tree. 7 Bearing in mind that an atom is 100,000 times smaller than the smallest thing that can be seen with the naked eye, the minute scale of these strings can be more easily grasped.
Professor of Physics Abhay Ashtekar from the University of Pennsylvania and Professor of Physics Jerzy Lewandowski from the University of Warsaw interpret the woven appearance of space as follows in an article titled "Space and Time Beyond Einstein":
In this theory, Einstein wove the gravitational field into the very fabric of space and time... The continuum we are all used to is only an approximation. Perhaps the simplest way to visualize these ideas is to look at a piece of fabric. For all practical purposes, it represents a 2-dimensional continuum; yet it is really woven by 1-dimensional threads. The same is true of the fabric of space-time. It is only because the "quantum threads" which weave this fabric are tightly woven in the region of the universe we inhabit that we perceive a continuum. Upon intersection with a surface, each thread, or polymer excitation, endows it with a tiny "Plank quantum" of area of about 10-66 cm2. So an area of 100 cm2 has about 1068 such intersections; because the number is so huge, the intersections are very closely spaced and we have the illusion of a continuum.8

An Article in the New York Times seeking an answer to the question "How Was the Universe Built?" contained the following lines:

Even the tiny quarks that make up protons, neutrons and other particles are too big to feel the bumps that may exist on the Planck scale. More recently, though, physicists have suggested that quarks and everything else are made of far tinier objects: superstrings vibrating in 10 dimensions. At the Planck level, the weave of space-time would be as apparent as when the finest Egyptian cotton is viewed under a magnifying glass, exposing the warp and woof.9

In his book Three Roads to Quantum Gravity, the theoretical quantum physicist Lee Smolin devotes one chapter to "How to Weave a String" and says this on the subject:

... space may be 'woven' from a network of loops... just like a piece of cloth is 'woven' from a network of threads.10

In his book Our Cosmic Habitat the cosmologist and astrophysicist Prof. Martin Rees says:

According to our present concepts, empty space is anything but simple... and on an even tinier scale, it may be a seething tangle of strings.11

The way that Allah describes the universe as being woven paths and orbits in verse 7 of Surat adh-Dhariyat shows that the Qur'an is in extraordinary agreement with science. As can be seen in a great many other instances, the way that all the information revealed in the Qur'an 1400 years ago is confirmed by modern scientific data is highly thought provoking. This perfect harmony between the Qur'an and scientific developments clearly reveals that the Qur'an is the word of our Lord, the creator of and He who knows best about all things. In one verse Allah states:

"Will they not ponder the Qur'an? If it had been from other than Allah, they would have found many inconsistencies in it." (Surat an-Nisa, 82)

The University of Pittsburgh physicist Carlo Rovelli presents a model woven like a web in order to represent the microscopic architectural structure of the universe.

2 George Johnson, "How Is the Universe Built? Grain by Grain", The New York Times, 7 December 1999;
8 Abhay Ashtekar, Jerzy Lewandowski, " Space and Time Beyond Einstein", Rzeczpospolita, April 2002;
9 George Johnson, "How Is the Universe Built? Grain by Grain", The New York Times, 7 December 1999;
10 Lee Smolin, Three Roads to Quantum Gravity, Basic Books, New York, 2001, p. 186.
11 Martin Rees, Our Cosmic Habitat, Princeton University Press, 2001, p. 107.

Stress and its impact on the heart and body

13:55 Posted by Unknown No comments
Anger, negative thinking and stress are considered destructive factors for the health of heart and body, So Islam orders us to stay away and avoid them …

The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him wasn’t be angry to any life matters. His satisfaction and anger were for Allah .He, therefore, was the happiest and the most stable and tranquility person, and gave us the best examples of this. 
It's rarely for the Messenger of Allah to spend a day without facing events of anger and emotion and stress but we did not know he was angry except when someone exceed the limits of Allah. The Prophet deals with any problem calmly and patiently. This is what makes people entering the religion of Allah in crowds. Therefore, God praise him in the Holy Quran: "And you on an exalted standard of character"(Al-Qalam:4). 
Recent scientific studies have shown that psychological tension, stress and anger are considered destructive factors to human health and heart and it may lead to serious diseases like cancer!
Researchers believe that, despite the fact that exercise and good diet and other factors which have vital importance to heart health, the social factors, happiness, a sense of satisfaction and perfection and work towards a goal in life have an impact in their turn. 
The Prophet ordered his companions to repeat important words that express satisfaction, in mornings and evenings. This is:  "I declare to Accept Allah as my Lord, to accept Islam as a religion and to Muhammad as Prophet and Messenger" Who say it ten times in the morning and evening, it will be really on God to reward him in the Day of Resurrection.
The researchers maintain that satisfaction is one of the most important remedies for any mental illness.
Most mental disorders results from dissatisfaction, Anger is at the head of factors that are detrimental to humans, it causes sudden death, stroke and myocardial infarction and blood pressure.
Stress affects the physical and mental health 
U.S. research has revealed that stress and psychological pressures faced by individuals on a daily basis can cause some types of cancer. While a similar European study found that stress is harmful to heart health. The study carried out by researchers from the American University "Yale," that psychological stress may stimulate the daily growth of tumors, And that any shock, emotional or physical, Can serve as a "corridor" between cancerous mutations which eventually lead to serious tumors. 
The results of the study published in the Nature journal showed That the necessary conditions for this disease can be affected by emotional environment  including all the daily tasks that we undertake, whether at work or in the family. 
Tian Xu, a specialist Professor in genetics from Yale University Says: "There are a lot of different circumstances can lead to stress. And reduce or avoid the circumstances that cause it, are always a good advice... ". 
European study addressed another aspect of the stress, The British research has shown a negative effect on the heart and the disease which may be caused by stress .This study confirms  scientifically, the prevailing belief since ancient times being linked to heart attacks. 
All participants were subjected to stress tests, and then the levels of the hormone cortisol were measured. It is a primary stress hormone produced by the body when exposed to psychological pressure or physical, and lead in the event of release to narrowing of the arteries. The researchers observed that participants who were injured by the stress tests were the most vulnerable, by weakness, in which lack of sufficient arterial injury for those who kept calm. 
We can See in this drawing, the mechanism that operates cortisol; a steroid hormone that regulates blood pressure and cardiovascular function and immune system. It also controls the body's use of protein, carbohydrates and fats, as a result of increased stress, whether physical such as illness or trauma. And increases the production of the cortisol hormone as a natural reaction in the body and is essential if the levels remain high for a long time. The new British study found that stress caused by work is an important factor in the incidence of heart disease, diabetes and exposure to the risks of stroke.
Many verses urging peace of mind
The one who contemplates the Koran noted that many of the verses telling us to be patient and not to be anger and urge for forgiveness. One of these verses says:
"The recompense for an injury is an injury equal thereto: but if a person forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from Allah: for loves not those who do wrong". ( Consultation: 40) . Allah says also: And if you do catch them out, catch them out no worse than they catch you out: but if you show patience that is indeed the best for those who are patient. And do you be patient, for your patience is but from Allah; nor grieve over them: and distress not yourself because of their plots. For Allah is with those who restrain themselves, and those who do good( Bees: 126-128).
He says about the righteous who promised them Paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth: 
"Those who spend, whether in prosperity, or in adversity; who restrain anger, and pardon men; for Allah loves those who do good".( Al- IMRAN: 134)
The best way to treat the psychological pressure is AmnestyBecause Allah says:
"The remission is the nearest to righteousness. And do not forget liberality between yourselves. For Allah sees well all that you do."(Al- Baqara: 237)

Many daily pressures of human are caused by a sense of injustice and the inability to take from others. But once human practice "amnesty", the problem will evaporate like the heat when the water evaporates!                                                                 
To remember the day of the conquest of Mecca when Allah grant victory over his enemies, who mocked, insulted, took and cursed him, But he pardoned them and said: “Go away you are free!”
This situation is a lesson for the believer who like the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him.
It is mercy of Allah towards His slaves that made the reward of tolerance and forgiveness in the Hereafter a very large one, and make its reward a great thing in this world which is enjoy better health and greater Psychological stability. 
Look attentively at this wonderful text of the Quran:
"Nor can Goodness and Evil be equal. Repel with what is better: Then will he between whom and you was hatred become as it were your friend and intimate. And no one will be franted such goodness except those who exercise patience and self-restraintـــــ none but persons of the greatest good fortune."( Fosilate:34-35).   
Whatever your problem with others is, it can be resolved as soon as the transaction in the best manner and with a little patience and with a good word. As Allah said:
“See you not how Allah sets forth a parable? A goodly Word like a goodly tree, whose root is firmly fixed, and its branches to the heavens. It brings  forth its fruit at all times , by the leave of its Lord. So Allah sets forth parable for men, in order that they may receive admonition"( Ibrahim:24-25).
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

Druck und Krebs

13:39 Posted by Unknown No comments

Druck und Krebs

Wissenschaftler haben bewiesen, dass die psychischen Belastungen, die dem Menschen zwischenfallen, Arten von Krebs verursachen,….

Wissenschaftler haben bewiesen, dass die psychischen Belastungen, die dem Menschen zwischenfallen, Arten von Krebs verursachen, und dass Stress schädlich für die Gesundheit des Herzens ist. Die Spezialisten bestätigten, dass ein großer Teil des starken Drucks durch psychische Probleme  unseren Umgangs mit anderen verursacht wird, für die wir keine Lösung finden, und die Wissenschaftler behaupten, dass der beste Weg, um den psychologischen Druck zu behandeln ist, Vergebung und Toleranz mit anderen umzugehen... Es ist die Größe des Koran, der uns einen Weg, um dieses Gefühl zu heilen,gab,  Der Allmächtige sagt : (die in Freude und Leid ausgeben und ihren Grimm zurückhalten und den Menschen verzeihen. Und Allah liebt die Gutes Tuenden)[Al-Imran:134]
Von: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

Would you look at this ant!

13:36 Posted by Unknown No comments

Would you look at this ant!

Would you look at this ant! It has two jaws that are, according to entomologists, stronger than …

Would you look at this ant! It has two jaws that are, according to entomologists, stronger than the jaws of crocodiles of course if we take into consideration their sizes. According to an accurate study that was conducted on ants, it was found that when ants attach their prey, they hit them with their jaws in such a rapid manner that exceeds that of any wild animal. All glory to Allah, the almighty who entrusted all such secrets in these small weak creatures. The least of such secrets is that ants have a special language to communicate and warn each other against any danger. Aren’t ants worthy of being contemplated especially that the holy Qur’an has one chapter about ants; Allah, the exalted says in the holy Qur’an:
“At length, when they came to a (lowly) valley of ants, one of the ants said: "o ye ants, get into your habitations, lest Solomon and his hosts crush you (under foot) without knowing it” Naml or Ants: 27: 18 
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

The Miracle of Adam and Jesus

13:33 Posted by Unknown No comments

The Miracle of Adam and Jesus

Miraculously, the name of Jesus, PBUH, is repeated in the holy Qur’an 25 …

Allah, the almighty says in the holy Qur’an:
The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: "Be". And he was.” Al-i-Imran: 3: 59
Miraculously, the name of Jesus, PBUH, is repeated in the holy Qur’an 25 times and the name of Adam, PBUH, is repeated 25 times as well. It’s worth noting here that the seventh Qur’anic verse in which the name of Jesus, PBUH, is mentioned is exactly the same verse in which the name of Adam, PBUH, is mentioned. Besides, the nineteenth verse (out of 25 verses) in which the name of Adam, PBUH, is mentioned is in chapter 19,Mariam (Mary), and the name of Jesus, PBUH, is also mentioned for the nineteenth time in the same chapter, Mary. The question that needs be answered here is whether this is a mere coincidence or a miracle?
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

The Ancient Rivers of Egypt: A new Qur’anic Miracle

13:26 Posted by Unknown No comments

Let’s contemplate this new invention about ancient Egypt and the rivers and plantsit had and how the Qur’an precisely talks about them…... …
Scientists have recently proven that the historical places where the pyramids are found in Egypt were one day rich in rivers and forests and this scientific fact hasn't been proven until the mid of 2012 according to a  scientific study that lasted for several years. Amazingly, however, the holy Qur’an precisely talks about this fact 1,400 years ago; all glory to Allah, The Almighty.
Scientists’ Beliefs about Ancient Egypt
Scientists believed that the Pharaohs built the pyramids in dessert regions same as today’s region. This belief, however, has been proven wrong for scientists have long searched for the secrets of the pharaohs as well as the secrets behind building the pyramids and have studied and analyzed many inscriptions and manuscripts, but they haven’t found a scientific proof to reveal the type of environment that prevailed then.
It’s known that the pharaohs built their civilization more than five thousand years ago and they had great power and advanced techniques. They also studied chemistry, mummification, architecture, and astrology. Historical studies also reveal that people at that time lived in luxury, delight,and welfare and had a convenient environment for progress and prosperity.
This is the pyramid’s dessert environment as it appears today. If we contemplate this area,we expect that it was like this thousands of years ago and no one would expect that beneath these sands were rivers and waters that flew for thousands of years and then disappeared due to climate change that affects all regions all over the earth every several thousands of years.
New Historical and Scientific Studies
Researchers say that for the first time theyhave discovered that climate change is a key ingredient in the collapse of civilizations such as the pharaohs’ civilization in ancient Egypt 4,000 years ago (according to the Daily Mail, edition 29 May 2012). Professor LiviuGiosantogether with a team of researchers conducted a thorough study that lasted for five years. Through satellite data, they discovered that the availability of rivers contributed to the establishment of these ancient civilizations and due to the demise of such rivers, the civilizations also demised and gradually disappeared over thousands of years.
In this study, archeologists connected the prosperity of civilizations to the availability of rivers in a certain region. The ArabianDesert, for instance, which stretches from Egypt to Libya and Algeria for thousands of kilometers, was one day prosperous and rivers flew in it.
Professor Michael Petragliaof Oxford University says that beneath these sands, there’s an enormous network of rivers which once fed the Egyptian civilization and which enabled the pharaohs to establish a great kingdom almost five thousand years ago.
In a recent study, (according to the Daily Mail, edition 17th August, 2012), researchers analyzed 7,000-year-old ancient pollen and charcoal samples and found that climate change and the drought of rivers led to the demise of the ancient Egyptian civilization.
The US Geological Survey USGS has revealed that even the mighty builders of the ancient pyramids and despite their strong civilization were unable to respond to a changing climate. The researchers have noticed the increase in charcoal levels at the time of drought due to fires. They also found large reductions of pollen signifying far fewer plants grew in that area.
Recent scientific studies tell us that the pharaohs carved these statues in a land that’s full of life and rich in water and trees, but the drought and climate change factors caused the displacement of its inhabitants and its desertification as well as the demise of most life forms.
Professor Benjamin Horton of Pennsylvania University confirms that the events that underwent ancient Egypt including civilization prosperity, climate change, the demise of rivers as well as the demise of this civilization, all such events are accurately recorded on the coal atoms and pollen grains and other microscopic creatures and if it weren’t for these records, we wouldn’t have been able to know all these past events.
All glory to Allah, The Exalted who preserved this information on the charcoal and pollen atoms and if it weren’t for them, we could have never been able to know the history of this region, but Allah who entrusted this data in the charcoal atoms is the same God who talks about it in the holy Qur'an.
This is a satellite picture that shows how human life in most parts of Egypt became extinct and became merely centered in the Nile region (the green line region). Archeologists assert that this desert region was one day green and prosperous and rich in lakes, rivers, and plants and springs flew everywhere.
A Great Qur’anic Indication
Now, having examined theses scientific studies which were first presented in 2012, let’s contemplate the holy Qur’an and the hadith, sayings, of Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, and how the holy Qur’an talked about this scientific fact fourteen centuries ago and see whether the holy Qur’an is in consistent with science or not? Let's read...
1-The holy Qur’an talks about the story of the Pharaoh of Egypt and the luxury he enjoyed and the graces and good that Allah granted him in more than one verse, but the Pharaoh disbelieved in Allah, the almighty and was arrogant. Thus, Allah punished him for his sins and drowned him; Allah says in the holy Qur'an:
And Pharaoh proclaimed among his people, saying: "O my people! does not the dominion of Egyptbelong to me, (witness) these streams flowing underneath my (palace)? What! See ye not then?”Zukhruf: 43: 51
The miracle is in Allah's saying: "these streams flowing..." which is an indication to the rivers of ancient Egypt, a fact that wasn't known at the time of Qur'anic revelations.  
Archeologists affirm that the ancient Egypt was rich in farms, plants, and fruit trees at the time of the pharaohs and they have come to this conclusion through the huge and miscellaneous amounts of pollen which they found hidden in the desert sands for seven thousand years.
Such scientific fact is also revealed in the holy Qur’an in the verses that talk about the story of the pharaoh and how Allah, the great expelled him from the luxury he enjoyed. Allah, the almighty says:
So We expelled them from gardens, springs * Treasures, and every kind of honourable position;”  Shur’araa or Poets: 26: 57-58
If we contemplate the above verse where it says “gardens, springs”, we’ll find a very obvious indication to the existence of springs and gardens, a fact that has been proven today by archeologists.
2-The new study affirms that the Arabian Desert in North Africa isn't the only placewhere civilizations prospered due to rivers, forests, and meadows for there’s a region in the Empty Quarter desert in the Arabian Peninsula that had a network of rivers and civilizations that were buried beneath the desert’s sand. 
A new satellite image of the Empty Quarter region in the ArabianPeninsula that shows a huge lake and a group of rivers buried beneath layers of sand thousands of years ago. Astronomers at NASA are attempting to predict the future of this region and scientific studies confirm that it will return to being rivers and meadows within the coming years.
There’s a great hadith, saying, for Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, which constitutes a prophetic miracle in which he asserts that the Arabian Peninsula was rich in rivers and meadows; Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, said: “the Day of Judgment won’t take place until the land of the Arabs returns to being pastures and rivers.”narrated by Imam Muslim.Scientific research says that climate cycle moves form one region to another and after a certain period of time, it will rain heavily in the Empty Quarter region which will make the rivers to be formed and the plants to grow just as they were five thousand years ago.
3-Scientists say that one of the key events that had a negative impact on ancient Egypt was the drought which struckEgypt 4,200 years ago and caused famines and played a role in the demise of the Kingdom of ancient Egypt. The waves of drought started to prevail in ancient Egypt continuously until they exhausted people. The beginning of such waves might have been almost 4,200 years ago.
Here, we recall the story of Prophet Joseph, PBUH, as it's told in the holy Qur'an and the famine he predicted when he interpreted the king’s dream; Allah, the exalted says in the holy Qur’an:
 "Then will come after that (period) seven dreadful (years), which will devour what ye shall have laid by in advance for them,— (all) except a little which ye shall have (specially) guarded.”Yusuf or Joseph: 12: 48
The question that needs be answered is how did Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, know about this famine which took place thousands of years ago and talked about it if he weren’t the messenger of Allah.
Professor Benjamin P. Horton carried out a geological survey in the pyramids region as well as Sphinx and found that the dessert in which such ancient monuments are found was one day full of life and rich in rivers, forests, plants, and various kinds of fruits. All Glory to Allah who told us about this scientific fact in the holy Quran in the verses that talk about the downfall of the Pharaoh, Allah says:
“How many were the gardens and springs they left behind, * And corn-fields and noble buildings,”Dukhan: 44:25-26
The above verse talks about plants, rivers, and fruits, but who could have told Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, of all this?
Finally, let’s wonder
How did Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, know that the Pharaoh lived in a non-desert environment although the environment in which Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, lived was a desert in the Arabian Peninsula and even the environment of the pyramids was also a desert at the time of Qur’anic revelations? How did he know that this region was rich in rivers?
In fact, these verses prove the Qur’anic inimitability at this time and in today's world and constitutes a scientific response to all those who claim that the holy Qur’an is a book of legends. This also raises the question of why did Prophet Mohammad, PBUH,discuss such intricate scientific issues while he didn't really need to do so. This means one thing which is that the holy Qur'an is the word of Allah in which He revealed these facts to serve as a practical evidence of the truthfulness of the message of Islam.
Written by: Abdel DayemKheel
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
1- EcoAlert: Satellite Images Reveal an Ancient Network of Rivers in Arabian Desert,
2- Climate change wiped out one of the world's first, great civilisations more than 4,000 years ago,
 3- Death on the Nile: Researchers believe climate change brought 'mega drought' that ended an Egyptian kingdom 4,200 years ago,
4- Bernhardt, Christopher E.; Horton, Benjamin P.; Stanley, Jean-Daniel , Nile Delta vegetation response to Holocene climate variability, Geology -40 – 2012.

jeudi 30 juillet 2015

Voguer Dans L’espace

12:35 Posted by Unknown No comments

Plus on s’approfondit dans les secrets de l’univers, plus on découvre la méticulosité  et  la minutie  avec lesquelles sont rédigés les termes coraniques, le Coran  emploie toujours les mots les plus pertinents, et les plus appropriés.  Lisons cet article, et glorifions Dieu le créateur de cet univers grandiose….
Une nouvelle ère de la science a commencé dans les débuts du vingtième Siècle après la découverte de la structure  de  l’atome ainsi que l’exploration de divers secrets de l’univers dans lequel nous vivons.
De nouvelles critiques ont été proférées à l’encontre du Coran par des orientalistes qui  allèguent  que celui-ci n’est pas pointilleux au niveau scientifique.
Je citerai par l’occasion leur prétention que le Coran s’est trompé quand il a évoqué le mouvement des corps dans l’univers en disant   (l’orbite étant la trajectoire inclinée sur laquelle circulent les planètes, est représentée dans le Coran comme le bateau qui les transporte !! C’est le sens du terme coranique "Yâ-Sîn, 40" .  Ils ont avancé à cette époque que le terme « voguer » n’est pas précis scientifiquement étant donné que les planètes  et les étoiles ne voguent pas, parce que ça  nécessite un milieu matériel  tel que l’eau,  mais tournent dans le vide.
Mais avec  les débuts du vingt-et-unième Siècle, une nouvelle découverte scientifique a vu le jour  sous le nom de  « la construction cosmique »,  les savants ont découvert des  briques  dans l’univers, ainsi, chaque groupe de galaxies forme une brique, et l’ensemble construit  un univers solide.

Il s’est avéré aux savants que  l’univers est plein de matière et d’énergie,  donc, le vide n’existe pas,  et par conséquent  tous les corps cosmiques comme la terre  et les autres planètes flottent dans ce milieu  plein de matière et d’énergie qui envahissent l’univers  mais en faible condensation. Cette vérité n’a été découverte que récemment.
De ce qui précède, il s’est confirmé  aux scientifiques que le terme « l’espace »   n’a pas de fondement, le vide n’a pas de place dans  un univers dont chaque particule est saturée à la fois de matière et d’énergie.
Ainsi, le terme coranique «voguer » est très précis scientifiquement, les  savants occidentaux l’auraient utilisé si on leur avait proposé, et auraient sûrement réalisé qu’il est plus concis que le terme « tourner », de même  pour le terme « construction » tel qu’il a été utilisé dans le Coran «et le ciel comme édifice » ]Sourate Gafer ; le Pardonneur, verset 64[, traduit la réalité de l’univers, contrairement au mot espace qui est vidé de sens !!!
Et si on examine  terme  «  tourner » cité à maintes reprises dans leurs articles, on trouvera que celui-ci n’est pas correct, étant donné que le mouvement du soleil, de la lune, de la terre, des étoiles, des planètes, les nuages de gaz et de la poussière cosmique…s’apparente à une vibration composée à l’instar d’un corps qui flotte sur la surface de l’eau  bercé doucement par des vagues inclinées.
La concertation du mouvement de la terre autour du soleil,  ensuite autour du centre de notre galaxie (la voie lactée), et l’ensemble autour du centre de regroupement des galaxies, provoque une agitation vibrée et penchée comme  un corps qui tangue sur la surface de l’eau, de ce fait, on comprend  mieux pourquoi le Coran n’a pas utilisé le terme « tourner » mais « voguer ou flotter », car il désigne la nature de l’action des corps cosmiques.


Pour illustrer de façon pratique cette vérité, on se réfère aux déclarations des astronautes qui ont dépassé la pesanteur terrestre, qu’ont-ils ressentis une fois dans l’espace ?
Chacun d’entre eux  certifie qu’il ressentait comme s’il flottait sur la surface de l’eau !! Ainsi disent les scientifiques de la NASA  à la lettre : « Astronauts feel like they are floating when they are in space », cela veut dire que les Astronautes sentent comme s’ils flottent quand ils sont dans l’espace.

Quand l’homme  se trouve dans l’univers, il sent comme s’il flotte sur la surface de l’eau, et ce sentiment est tout à fait réel, et non illusoire,  étant donné  qu’il baigne dans un milieu  matériel  submergé de matières et d’énergie mais en faible condensation,  et non pas dans le vide,  de ce fait l’expression « voguer dans l’univers » est correcte, inspirée du terme coranique « chacun vogue dans une orbite ».
On comprend finalement pourquoi le Coran a utilisé avec minutie cette expression dans une autre Sourate : 
Et c’est lui  a crée la nuit et le jour, le soleil et la lune, chacun voguant dans une orbite » " Al Anbiyae ; les prophètes, verset  33". On comprend également que plus  le développement de  la science  révèle des vérités  certifiées sur  l’univers, plus on atteste que les termes coraniques sont  très pointilleux au niveau scientifique, et non contradictoires et confus  comme prétendent certains soupçonneux.
Nous leur montrerons Nos signes dans l’univers et en eux-mêmes, jusqu’à ce qu’il leur devienne évident que c’est cela (le Coran), la vérité. »] " Fosselat, les versets détaillés, verset 53".

Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

1- Walking in Space,

la voix des fourmis

12:30 Posted by Unknown No comments

Les chercheurs ont dépensé des années à observer les insectes et à capter les sons qu’ils émettent  ….

Les chercheurs ont dépensé des années à observer les insectes et à capter les sons qu’ils émettent. Mais ils n’ont pu prouver les résultats de leurs recherches que lorsqu’ils ont enregistré les sons émis par les fourmis ! L’objectif était de suivre les déplacements des fourmis dans les champs agricoles  et ils ont trouvé que la meilleure façon était de suivre les sons qu’elles émettent.
Mais ce qui a le plus surpris les chercheurs c’est que les vibrations soniques émises par les fourmis sont différentes d’une fourmi à l’autre, d’une espèce de fourmi à une autre et selon chaque situation ! Il existe 12 000 sortes de fourmisdans le monde, leur nombre dépasse de plusieurs fois le nombre des humains. Devant cette multitude les chercheurs se demandent comment ils pourront analyser ses vibrations .
Ils ont enregistré des sons différents de fourmis et ces recherches ont été publiées dans la revue « Journal of Sound and Vibration »en 2006 et c’était la première fois où l’Homme a pu entendre la véritable voix des fourmis !
Les résultats ont prouvé que les fourmis ont une ouïe plus développée que nous et qu’elles utilisent ses antennes pour émettre et recevoir les vibrations soniques. La fourmi grossit ensuite les sons qu’elle reçoit comme on le ferait avec les appareils modernes que nous utilisons à cet effet, ensuite  elle filtre les sons pour les débarrasser des parasites et pour avoir une meilleure réception. Ceci est une structure très avancée de communication qui n’était pas connu des scientifiques. Ils ne l’ont découvert que récemment, mais , la coran nous a parlé de cette découverte depuis plus de 14 siècles. Le très Haut dit : « Quand ils arrivèrent à la Vallée des Fourmis, une fourmi dit : "Ô fourmis, entrez dans vos demeures, [de peur] que Salomon et ses armées ne vous écrasent [sous leurs pieds] sans s'en rendre compte". ! ( Les Fourmis – 18) ! Le croyant ne peut dire que Gloire à Allah !

Ecrit par: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel